Monday, March 23, 2009

Aiden is growing tall, but gaining weight slowly

We had Aiden's 4 month check up today and he continues to be a health boy. We were astonished to learn that he only put on 2 lbs in the  last month. He now weighs 13lbs 4oz (he is in the 15% for his weight), but was 25 1/2 inches long (70% for his height). 

They say over the next few months we should get more giggles and he should start rolling over and sitting on his own. He's very close to the rolling over from his stomach to his back; he almost did it the other day. He also tries from his back to stomach, but only manages to get on his side.

Aiden has also attempted rice cereal. We started it a week ago (don't tell the dr) and it is doing pretty good with it. Somedays he really enjoys it, and others he just wants to play. So we'll see how it goes.

In other news, the job search for Alison still continues. It was quite for a few weeks, but the last week has been busy with phone interviews and a few live interviews. So please keep praying that she finds something soon. 

Sunday, March 15, 2009

See some of Aiden's big moments

Well Aiden has had some big moments this last month. He now can sit up fully supporting his head, but not only that he tries to pull himself up to stand (all the time). He also takes steps. 

The newest experience Aiden has had is rice cereal. He's still not sure, but eats a little more each day. 

For videos on his experience, check out Keith's website at 

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Aiden's First Sport

Aiden is already testing his sports ability. About a week ago, we gave him a soft soccer ball that his Aunt June & Uncle Marc gave him for Christmas. He immediately started kicking the ball, so today we video taped it.