Friday, May 19, 2017

Just can't believe it

It's been a while since I wrote- seems the older the boys get at times life is chaotic, but on a whole new level. We hope everyone had a great Easter! We enjoyed ours with the company of our love ones- some pics for you that aren't on Facebook or Instragram.

This time of year is always a time for milestones for us- our anniversary, Aiden's half birthday (as he reminded me this morning), and today a big one- Jonathan "graduated" preschool!
It has been an emotional day for this Momma- there is something so different from watching your first born vs your last hit their milestones. You know the hugs, kisses, cuddles, sitting on laps etc. are about to end. Knowing this is the last time you will do this. The last time this will happen. While I'm so sad he's done preschool, it was a great day celebrating JP and all he has accomplished.

When I registered him for preschool, I quickly realized how different my boys were and their interest. I worried how JP would do and interact, but he did well and had amazing teachers both years who fostered his interest and help him grow in his learning.

JP has done so well and has grown so much and I'm so thankful for the experience both my boys had at First Presbyterian Bucket School! I will miss the school and teachers next year, but  the good part about being a "second" time parent is you know the amazing experience he's about to embark on. I'm excited to see what he will do and learn at Exton Elementry and pray for the teachers that had Aiden that could have him 😂. But to sum up this day, I'm sad, proud, happy, and excited to see the things that are to come for Jonathan "aka JP"

And a side note, so proud of my almost 8 1/2 year old (as of tomorrow he told me this am)- 😂. He's been doing amazing in 2nd grade, continues to love every minute of learning and as always enjoys school. I got to chaperone his field trip early this week to the Philly Zoo, which was so fun (and a bit crazy watching over 2nd grade boys 🙂).

And he's doing Amazing with baseball this year! I'm beyond proud how far he has come in the last year and love how passionate he is about it.
Aiden and his Best Friend 
He has even played his cousins a few times. 

We are so proud of our boys- their accomplishments, their various interest, and well the little men they are becoming!