Monday, September 11, 2017

From Summer to School

Summer this year seem to go faster then ever. I feel like I blinked and the boys were back in school. I now have two elementary school kids- Aiden in 3rd grade and Jonathan in Kindergarten. Just two kids getting on the bus and in school all day. :(

 We had a good summer and I think the boys would agree. Nothing crazy, just lots of time playing in the blow up pool and hanging out and experiencing things- like Lego Discovery Land, watching a Blue Rocks game, going to the Touch of Truck event, hiking or mini golfing to name a few.

Overall, just trying to enjoy our time together and appreciate that they are getting older and we're running on borrowed time. We also surprised them a few times while cashing in on our Hershey Park season passes, which they loved!

 We also got to celebrate a big birthday for Daddy in July and the boys were so excited to make his day so special! They also learned that this is the last year Mommy will have a birthday-lol

We also took our annual trip to Outer Banks, NC the end of July. Again another fantastic year full of laughs and fun times. This year was chiller then what we typically experience, which was odd since we went almost a month earlier in the season! It didn't stop those crazy boys from swimming and enjoying the beach and ocean. I will say we had gorgeous weather all week and well we just all love our happy place!

And now we are back to the routine- school, homework, fall ball practice, and gymnastics. JP has handled the transition into elementary school pretty well. He is still adjusting to the all day schedule, but for the most part it is a lot smoother then I thought it would be. 

The day Aiden went to Kindergarten, I remember getting so emotional and crying as the bus drove away. It was hard, but there is something about sending your baby, your last born, off into the world. It starts to solidify, that why the days are long, the years are short. I didn't cry as the bus drove off, but cried almost every hour throughout the day till he came off the bus and then was so relieved to hear what a great day he had!

So as I accept that my babies are no more, I love watching them learn and grow into great young men and excited for the year ahead!I also have dedicated myself to make sure our weekends are more about the experiences we will have together.