Wednesday, October 22, 2008

37 weeks and counting.....

Well Alison had her 37 week check up today, which proved to be a bit frustrating for her. She has made no progress in two weeks. Baby has dropped a little, but not enough, and no dilation and still 50% efface. The Dr said we need to get this Baby moving...Alison's thoughts, "Really don't you think I want that. "LOL! The heartbeat was the lowest it's been since hearing it at 132, so this kid is blowing every wive's tale theory out of the water. Good news is Alison's weight has leveled off and she hasn't put anything on for 2 weeks, her blood pressure is good too. Now we just eagerly await Aiden or Gabrielle to make some progress towards labor and show up soon, preferably within the next 3 1/2 weeks.

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