Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy 2 months, Aiden!

Well on Tuesday (Jan 20) Aiden turned 2 months old. It's been an  interesting and exciting 2 months. He has changed so much; he has lost all his initial hair and has new hair growing in. We can't decide if it's brown or blond as it changes in the light, but it looks like he'll have blue eyes.  He now smiles a lot and loves to coo and talk, generally his word is "ah-goo". He is now into a routine, feeding every 3 hours during the day and sleeping from 10:30pm to 7am. We now have play times and read everyday, which Aiden is really enjoying.

Last week, Aiden had his first official play date. Alison's friend Monica came to visit with her 7 month old daughter Kayla. Although they visited before, Aiden was more interactive with them. 

This week has been pretty eventful in the Giosa household. On Sunday, Jan 18th, Aiden was baptized at 1st Presbyterian Church of West Chester. Afterwards, we had our families back for a small celebration and luncheon. 

On Monday, Alison was scheduled to return back to work, but she returned only to be laid off. It wasn't a complete shock as her colleagues were laid off a couple of weeks ago, but still a bit of a shock. We thought she might have some protection being on leave. So Alison has spent the remainder of the week job searching and interviewing. It's bitter sweet. Alison is enjoying some extra time at home with Aiden, but is sad as she liked her job and hates the idea of looking for a new one.

On Thursday (Jan 22), Aiden had his 2 month check up. He is now 11lbs 2 oz and is 23 inches long. The Doctor says he looks very healthy and is progressing right on track. He did receive 2 shots for immunization.  He is not scheduled to be back to the doctor's until 4 months now. By then he might be rolling over. Crazy!

Well here are some recent pics, enjoy and we'll continue to keep you posted on our life.

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