Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmastime is here....and gone

First of all wishing everyone had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed time with loved ones! December has been busy with parties and visiting people. Aiden had his 2 yr check out a week ago and he's growing up so quickly (my words not the doctors :) ), but is doing great and is healthy.

We had a great Christmas although Aiden was sick. He has had a nasty cold for a week now since he got his flu shot, this after having the stomach flu a few weeks back. December has been a bit cruel for him :(

Christmas Eve we spent with Keith's family- hanging out at Nonni and Poppi's house with them, Marc, June, Natalie and Marc. It was a nice time spent together and all the kids were itching to open presents from the minute we go there. It was amazing that it didn't seem to chaotic with 3 kids ripping into their gifts. But everyone enjoyed it! We also visited with Keith's cousins and their families at his Aunt & Uncle's house on his Mom side. We even managed to get a picture of all the cousins again (this seems to be an annual tradition).

On Christmas day, Aiden still hadn't seem to grasp the whole Santa thing, but was very enthusiastic to seem more presents. Ever since his birthday last month, he just assume all presents are for him....and most of the time they are :) Present opening was a bit of a marathon. In typical two year old fashion, Aiden would open a few, find one to play with and take a break from opening. It took us about 4 hours to get to the end, but he does seem to enjoy them all.

Christmas night, we went over Alison's Aunt & Uncle's house and spent time with my Mom, Dad, and sister, as well as my two cousins and their families/significant others. There Aiden got more presents....needs to say he's spoiled and doesn't need anything for a while :O)

Well hope everyone had a great holidays surrounded by love! Here are some pics from our time with our family- enjoy!

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