Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's Summertime...unofficially

May seemed to just blow through without much thought and now I'm looking at my calendar and it's already the 2nd day of June, we have already had a heatwave, and Memorial Day has past. Crazy.

First of all, Keith and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary on May 22nd- very low key with just going out to dinner, but it was nice to get out and spend some time having adult conversations without a 2 1/2 yr old opinion :). We also had a nice (but what turned into VERY BUSY) Memorial Day hanging out with great friends and seeing family. Although months past quickly and we have so much to do, I enjoy the time spent with family and friends in our lives.

Aiden has enjoyed the last month with going to the carnival (he got to ride "Thomas" there) at our local hospital, playing with his water table (again finally!) and having play dates with our friends. He's also had a bit of a rough month with a trip to the doctors for what appears to be some hair loss (we notice his hair has thinned on top, but the doctor isn't concerned although they're running some test to be safe) and a trip to the ER for what is probably a peanut allergy.

Today we stopped by the pool and he is totally going to be my water rat. Even though it was 80 degrees and the water was cool (especially if you weren't moving around) he loved it, laughing, splashing, kicking and dunking his face in. It was great to see him enjoying it so much as last year he looked so unsure. We have now deemed Thursday afternoons/evening family night...hopefully at the pool for the rest of the summer.

We hope every has a wonderful summer with family and friends and enjoy all the moments of sunshine, laughter and love!

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