Sunday, November 27, 2011

No Fibula, No Problem....

It's been a while since I "checked in", but things have been going well and been busy. I had a check up at 24 weeks and had gain 12lbs. Jonathan's heartbeat was 153 beats per minute and measuring well. I go for my 28 week check up this week...and then hard to believe I start going every 2 weeks. This pregnancy has been flying by and I'm still shocked that I will most likely be meeting my little one in 12 weeks. Tomorrow I'm going to go for my glucose test...always a fun time.

We also had our consultation with the doctor at DuPont and it was just a wonderful meeting and uplifting. Her name is Dr. L. Reid Nichols and she was trained by the best. She did her residency and fellowship at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, which is top notch (at least on the east coast) for limb length and Fibula Hemimelia, which is Jonathan's condition. She really put us at easy and talked us through the steps he'd undergo. She was all about one step at a time, focusing on what will be first in caring for him at the early part of life and not worrying about the surgeries and procedures in years to come. Dr. Nichols encouraged me to stay in touch through the rest of my pregnancy with her and provided me her email. She also said she would visit me after I deliver, just to meet Jonathan.

He will start his treatment about a week after birth, the first part would be a cast for 5-8 weeks depending on how bad is club foot is and then he'll be in a brace. He'll need to wear the brace for 3 months straight for 23 hours and then just need to wear it at nap and bedtime. The brace trains the foot (molds the foot since it's so malleable at birth) to be position right.

Again, we thank everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers.

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