Thursday, July 19, 2012


So, for most people, when their baby makes milestones they get very excited and show it off to the world. I'm no different :) I've loudly bragged about what Aiden did in is his early years just like a proud first-time mom does. Case in point, I also just recently posted about Jonathan rolling over.  So yes, I'm one of those Moms that people get annoyed with. Most recently, though Jonathan hit a milestone that most parents don't have to worry about.

Aiden was around the same age JP is now when he began to pull himself up by holding our hands and even bounce or jump. It was exciting to watch, but really it seemed like second nature to him and wasn't much of a milestone to me. When I initially found out about Jon Paul's condition (at my 20 week ultrasound), I had so many visions going through my head; one being a child that couldn't walk. When he was born, I learned that it was a foolish vision. His legs worked like any other child's, but one was just a little different. I noticed he wasn't like Aiden at that point because he didn't want to bounce up and down and when he pulled himself up he looked more like a flamingo (or a ninja- LOL) because he would keep his right leg out swinging in the breeze. He wouldn't bare any weight on his FH leg.

I had brought it up to his Orthopedic Doctor during our recent visit and she told me not to worry and that he would adjust and learn to bare weight and walk on it. She said it wasn't an issue as he didn't know anything different. I trust his doctor, but of course in my mind I was concerned like any mother. Then, recently we noticed him pulling himself up (with our hands) and putting weight on it. And in the exersaucer he started to put it down , as well! The picture below was taken today and makes me so happy that I need to share this real milestone with the world and brag. To most parents, this is no big deal, but to Keith and I this is amazing because there was a time that we didn't think we would ever see this happen.

Even JP is shocked- LOL

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