Thursday, November 21, 2013

My baby is now 5!

Aiden turned 5 yesterday- November 20, 2013. It was an amazing day….and a hard day for this Mommy to digest. Really 5? Already? Didn't we just celebrate his 1st birthday? I can't believe how fast Motherhood is going!
Newborn Aiden- Nov 20, 2008

Mommy and Daddy are still trying to grasp the idea that we have a 5 year old…but this kid is smart and funny and amazing. He surprises us each day on what he knows and learns and, says. I love it!
5 yr Aiden - Nov 20, 2013

Aiden had a great birthday! He went to school and celebrating there with his friends. He got to wear a crown and a stick that said it was his birthday. Aiden brought in "Cookie Brownies" (aka blondes) for snack and Mommy came in and read a story too, which was his favorite part.
After school we did our tradition since Aiden was one and that was to go see Santa. This was Aiden's decision. This was mainly because he knew he wasn't getting drums for his birthday, so Santa must know ASAP for Christmas- LOL (don't worry much to Mommy and Daddy's dismay- Santa is bring him a drum set). Both boys did amazing with Santa! I wasn't worried about Aiden. He has always done well, but at 5, I figured it would be a piece of cake, but JP I wasn't sure about this year. Jonathan is very friendly and not shy, but if I move one ounce, he's always afraid I'm leaving for good. So  I was't sure how he would act when I put him on Santa's lap and move, but he did amazing. He walked right up said "Hi Samba (aka Santa)" and sat right on his lap. He just kept looking at him and saying his name….and we got an amazing pic!!

After Santa- Aiden got some Mommy and Daddy time and we got to play his new angry bird "game". It was a K'NEX game were we had to build lego like blogs and Aiden got to shoot the birds at the piggies. He loved every minute of it (of course this was one of his gifts). We also got to play Mickey Bingo. He loved every  minute of it!

Later that afternoon Aiden's grandparents (Grammie & Pop and Nonnie & Poppi) stopped over for dinner and a mini celebration. We also invited our favorite neighbor (aka- Mommy's cousin Amanda over as she's now on bed rest till baby logan is ready to show his face :) Can't wait!)

Of course we had Aiden's favorite dinner- Pizza!!  And then a baked (more) brownies, which he had brought to school too for that night. His grandparents brought a few presents to help celebrate his day! Although we'll also celebrate on Christmas with his Aunts and Uncles and cousins! Aiden tends to have the birthday that does end to Christmas- LOL

Aiden also got to celebrate with some of his favorite November birthdays with his- Uncle Frank and Uncle Kevin who's birthdays are right before his this past weekend! Plus Danielle- Mommy and Daddy's friends other friends too!

All in all Aiden had an amazing birthday, just like Mommy and Daddy wanted him to have and he still has thanksgiving to continue the celebration. We just still can't believe it's been 5 years of parenthood and wouldn't change a minute of it!

1 comment:

myra said...

What a great blog post. I enjoyed reading about Aiden's birthday, and it sounds like it was a fun time. Yes, the years go by so fast. This is the time to take time and enjoy every minute. I hope you all have a very happy Thanksgiving.