Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmastime is here!

  The countdown is 4 days till Christmas, as I am reminded daily by my 6 year old. It's been a very fast, but fun season this year. We have had many new adventures from years past.

We built a Gingerbread train!

Which each of them just absolutely loved!!

We went on a sleigh ride with Santa ( a local shopping center has a horse pulled sleigh for kids to ride every Saturday in December)! The boys loved the one on one time with Santa!

Keith and I got to celebrate the holidays with some of our good friends at an adult only party!

Aiden had his holiday party at school which I got to attend and help with crafts!

I got adventous this year and decided to make cookies for Santa with the boys. 

Usually this is Keith's job with the help of me and maybe Aiden, but with him working full time it just wasnt going to happen this year. So I took on the task and decided to bake chocolate chip cookies and sugar cookies from scratch.

It defintely takes patiences baking with a 6 year old and not yet 3 year old, but we all survived! LOL. It actually was a lot of fun and besides making sure the measurements were right and handling the oven, I let them use their creativity to do the rest.

We had 4 cookie cutters, but they seemed to get bored with them after a while and started to create their own shapes.
I think their favorite part was decorating with icing and jimmies (sprinkles to you non Philly people)

We wrapped up the pre Christmas celebration with a train ride with Santa on the West Chester Santa Express. It was very cute! The boys got their tickets punched (like the Polar Express movie), Santa stops by on the train, there was Christmas carols, and a stop to take your pic with Santa before heading back.

All in all, we have had a great season this year preparing for Santa's big arrival and we are ready! 

We want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2015!

We will go into 2015 with some apprehension as it's another year we have to hand over our child for surgery. And now it will be sooner then we anticipated. We chose to move JPs surgery up to Jan 23rd. Why there's no "right" time for your kid to have surgery, we felt better pushing it up, so he can (hopefully) start preK fixator free.

With this surgery, there will be a lot of new territory for us. It's a shorter surgery then last time, but with a longer recovery process. We have never encounter an external fixator, pin turns, and what will be a more vigorous PT schedule initially.

And of course the effects of how all this will effect Aiden too

 We will be happier to be on the other side quicker and hoping our little superhero bounces back quickly!

So as we move into 2015, we ask our loyal supporters to keep us in your thoughts and prepares as we prepare (not only emotionally, but also clothing altering and all) and head into the next phase for JP!

Thank you!

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