Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Superhero turns 3!

Jonathan's birthday was this past Monday and it's hard to believe he's already 3!

We had a long celebration for his big day. JP celebrated with his grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins this past weekend and he had a great time despite his moodiness. He also got a lot of favorite presents. This year was heavily Batman themed.

Then on his actual birthday, he had lots of mini celebrations- opening presents with a Mom & Dad before a Dad had to go to work.

And then a trip to the movies with his brother and Mom, as well as a few more presents.

Then another run of ice cream and cake (when a Daddy got home) before bed.

Jonathan very much enjoyed being the birthday boy and even more so all the presents. 

Both boys also had their yearly check up this week and are doing well and very healthy. Aiden comes in at 48lbs and 45 1/2 inches and JP is 31.1 lbs and 37 inches, both in the 25-50% range for their age. Aiden does need to get his vision checked as this is the second year in a row that he was borderline failing the test at the Pediatrician's office. I'm not surprised, I figured one of my boys would end up wearing glasses thanks to their genes. 

Jonathan defintley has had a wild ride in his short. I recently read my blogpost from when he was born and I could sense how scared, how naive and how unsure I was of what his life would be like.

The last 3 year has been anything but easy, but it has been so much fun with him too. He's so determined, so opinionated, so funny, so loving, and so full of life. Nothing like what was going on in my mind three years ago.

 I wish I could go back and tell myself- "it's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it."

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