Sunday, November 29, 2015

7 years at Parenting

On Friday, November 20th at 3:37pm our sweet boy turned 7. How did that happen??

He was so happy and excited for his big day and Mommy... well it took her breath away for a second that he turned 7.

Aiden always has the longest and most drawn out birthday. It's a week or so of celebrating, but that's what happens when your birthday is a week before Thanksgiving.

On his actual day, he has a full day of school, but was excited to wear his "seven" shirt and his birthday boy pin! He also read to his class (Green Eggs and Ham) to celebrate his day. His teacher said he did great with it too!!

After school, he came home and opened his presents from us and we took him out to dinner to his favorite restaurant- Victory in Downingtown. 

On Sunday, Aiden had a "kid party", it was one of our gifts to him. He was so excited to celebrate with his friends and cousins. We had it at the place where he takes swim lessons- pretty cool to have a swim party in November ;)

He loved it so much and enjoyed spending time with all the people he considers important to him, so we were so happy to let him celebrate this way!

And his last celebration was on Thanksgiving with his family (as it always has been). He got to celebrate with his aunt and uncle, grandparents and cousins. He loves having a bit of Thanksgiving be about him!
(Aunt June's favorite cookie pie she makes for him every year!)

All in all Aiden's birthday celebrations were amazing (according to him) and I'm so glad they were! He's an amazing kid who's is smart, loving, and caring and I'm glad he's all ours!


Estelle Giosa said...

I think he is one lucky little boy!Happy Birthday!

Keith, Alison, Aiden, and Jonathan said...

Thanks Aunt Estelle!