Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Easy Summer Living

I can't believe that the end of summer is nearing. In a month Aiden will be back in school and JP goes back a week later. The boys said they are having an awesome summer. We have spent a lot of time outside at the park,  playing in our inflatable pool, and going to the library.

JP has been recovering well from his last surgery. Again it was minor compared to others, but we were surprised how quickly he was up and moving. A week post op,he was jumping and climbing like nothing. He is still in physical therapy twice a week and we are still (desperately) working on his leg/foot which turns out.

Aiden has been staying on top of his skills with some school work every day and has become a bookworm. This kid loves to read and is doing so well with it. We actual fight about how late he can stay up and read, a fight I don't mind having, but don't tell him that- lol.

Aiden also got to experience camp at Apple this year, which was extra special because he got to see his Dad at work. He loved it!  He learned to code and program a robot.

The boys also are taking swim lesson (Aiden is in his second session for the summer and JP is in his first, as he wasn't clear to swim after surgery until 2 weeks later). Aiden has come a long way from being the boy last summer who loved the pool, but hated to get his face wet.  Now he jumps in, goes under, and glides under water. And JP well he is still a work in progress and tells the teacher what they're doing- lol.

And the biggest news of the summer is that we official have no signs of having a baby in this house. A few weeks ago we took the plunge and  both boys got "big" beds. JP has been sleeping in the converted crib/ toddler bed since he's been two and it was time for him to move on.  He started to seem as long as the bed. So Keith and I switched the boys furniture and JP got Aiden's single bed and the furniture that goes with it and we upgraded our toddler bed/crib to its full size bed for Aiden. Funny that he spent his first couple years sleeping in it as a crib and now it's his furniture again. Both boys love the extra space and their "new" rooms, but Mommy and Daddy are a bit sad how fast these two are growing up.

Lastly, this past weekend was Keith's birthday and while not a big number one for him, (but that's right @ the corner- lol), it was a chance to go away for the weekend without the kids (thanks to Nonni and Poppi). It was so nice to get a chance to have adult conversation without a little voice saying "Mommy, Mommy" or "Daddy, Daddy" and just reconnect. We went to Jim Throrpe, a town up near the mountains of PA, and we had a lot of laughs, got to enjoy some of the breathtaking views, but more important, spend time with each other.

Next up for us is summer vacation to OBX in a few weeks!

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