Tuesday, March 6, 2012

You're Not Alone....

That was the theme tonight on the Fibular Hemaimelia Facebook suppport group tonight. And that's so true! We joined this group shortly after my 20 week ultrasound diagnosed Jonathan with this birth defect. This group has provided an overwhelming amount of support and information for us. Everyone in the group is so nice and friendly, it's amazing!

Although no one's FH story is quite the same, everyone's information is so helpful and encouraging. Tonight another "new" Mom to an FH baby posted her concerns and questions, pouring her emotions out and she received so many responses so quickly from so many people. Everyone was providing uplifting and helpful information. What most of those people posting might not realize is that the information isn't just helpful to the Mom that posted, but to Moms that are reading their feedback as well (like me :) )

I'm so proud to be a part of this group and have support from others who can only understand how hard and devastating the FH diagnosis can be, yet realize as sad as it is to see our babies go through this pain, it could be worse.

The group is https://www.facebook.com/groups/fhlla/ for those on Facebook.

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