Sunday, September 16, 2012

We have a Preschooler!!!

As all mothers know, having children somehow make the days, weeks, and months on the calender go a little faster. I am definitley feeling it this September. Aiden is now off to pre-school and I think I'm still in shock that he's that old!! What happened to my little baby boy??

He goes to The Bucket School (part of 1st Presbyterian Church of West Chester). He's in their intermediate class. The class is on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. His first day was last Friday with Mommy and Daddy. It was only an hour, but served to get the kids used to going to school and acquainted with their daily routine. When we got there Aiden met his teachers - Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Fabrizio - and then ran off to play. He forgot we were there half the time; just ocassionally looking up to make sure we didn't leave. He did well paying attention too; sitting well in circle time and making his craft.

Monday was his first day by himself and again did wonderful. The school has a car line in which the teachers take the kids out of the car. He got right out with the teacher and practically said, "see ya later!" Then he couldn't wait to tell us all the "cool things" he did when he got back in the car. It's funny; the teachers said that school isn't only teaching the kids independence, but the parents too and I thought that I'd be okay as I have worked full-time since he was 5 months old, but man it's been hard! I really am learning to cut the apron stings, too!

I am so proud that he's adjusting so well to school and he seems to really like it. He's excited to go. I'm hoping his enthusiasm lasts!

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