Friday, January 4, 2013

Baby Steps and Snow Fun

So I know every parent gets excited when their baby takes their first steps, and I'm sure it's the same feeling whether it's baby #1 or #3.  For us JPs first steps are even more sweet. It was a little over a year ago where I had anxiety and worry if JP would every walk and hit "normal" milestones. Well this kids is ready to prove me all my negative thoughts and worries wrong. Santa brought Jonathan his own activity walker and right away he put it to good use. Here's a video of him "walking" with it, a very bitter sweet moment, but proud moment for me.

We also experience our first winter storm of the season...and I almost think Aiden was more excited to go play in the snow then he was Christmas morning- LOL. I went out and did some shoveling while he played and then built frosty.  Needless to say, he's ready for more...Mommy is not.

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