Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Walking in New Shoes

So as I sit and write this blog...it is hitting me hard, a month from tomorrow my baby boy will be 1! It's crazy. Aiden went fast, but I feel like I blinked and JP was 6 months old, then 9, and now almost a year. Maybe it's because I know I'm done having babies....maybe it's because he's # 2........ or maybe I'm just getting too old.

Anyway, he continues to grow,learn, and amaze us. He's starting to repeat sounds and says (or so we like to think) Aiden, Dada, Momma, Elmo, Apple and Banana. He's also my adventurous one- he's climbing stairs and  sitting on tables and is always so proud of himself. Mommy and Daddy not so much- LOL. He loves to climb the chair Santa brought and fling himself off the side....Santa should have realized how dangerous these chairs are.

JP got his first AFO (ankle-foot orthotic) last week. It's actually a different one then we thought (which I had posted a picture of a while back). It's a typical AFO with lift. So it's molded to his leg, but will also train his foot to go inward and help balance him and make him even. He's still adjusting. For the most part he's doing well, but now he's wearing shoes, something he has never done, so he's still not sure. We have Early Intervention coming in to do PT and get us all comfortable with it. We're currently breaking him in- he wears it a few hours on and a few hours off, eventually he'll move to wearing whenever he's awake. Hopefully he'll feel better with it soon and then start taking off, but this is the true start to his new journey....no longer a baby and now starting his FH treatment plan.

Now we're gearing up for his birthday party....so stay tuned!

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