Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My Hero

I'm sure every women feels that their husband and kids are their Heros and I'm no different.

Keith is my hero because he's an amazing Husband and a terrific Dad! I love his passion for music and how he passed it down to our kids. I love how even 16 years later I fall in love with him every day and feel like a high schooler sometimes. I love how excited he is to teach our boys.

Aiden is my hero because he first made me a Mommy. He's so smart, always wanting to learn, loves school., and is always a comedian  He's also an amazing big brother! Worrying and loving for JP.

But JP... He is my ultimate hero! While yes I struggle with him- getting him to listen and follow direction, currently dealing with separation anxiety, and sleeping issues... Boy do we struggle with sleeping with him.

But he's also amazing- in the last 8 weeks- he has had major reconstruction surgery, 4 cast changes, 2 sedations (outside of surgery), a lot of itchiness, and a lot of sponge baths. Now that's not to say we haven't had our share of tears, screams, and sleepless nights, but this kid is just amazing. In his short little 19 mos of life he has endured more doctor visits, xrays, IVs (among other things) then most kids experience in their whole childhood. We have just started his journey and there is much more to come, but overall JP has take this all in stride. Still determined, still adventurous, and still willing to learn.

My baby is my hero and always will be- no matter how much pain, sadness, or scary feelings he has during his times of trials. I also hope he can help teach others and show them how to handle their struggles of life by sharing his story!

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