Thursday, October 3, 2013

Changes and Celebrations...

Well here we are full into fall- I love the change of season...warm days, but cold mornings/nights. Sun shinning, but beautiful change of leaves. It's almost as perfect as Spring (my favorite time of year!)

We have some changes going on here in the Giosa household too- Aiden is in full swing of preK and of course loving it! This year he has library once a week and Show n Tell!! So at first the change of teachers and not having the same class was rough for him, but now he's just loving it! He also has soccer every Sat morning until mid Nov- he's so excited to be back and playing soccer!

JP also is going through some changes...cutting 4 eye teeth....and so soon after getting his molars. Definitely a little trying after a while. He also had his first stomach virus a few weeks ago (well we all had it- not fun). JP also recently started to sit at the big boy table for meals. We gave up the highchair in hopes that he'll eat better (not so much),  and he loves it!
And we're hoping he'll be out of a cast soon and back to walking, he has an appointment on Fri Oct 4th- which marks his 8 week post surgery day

Also another change to our family is that Daddy has secured a part-time job too. We're all very excited for him. This will be additional to his gig schedule so it's an adjustment for all- little less time with Keith and means a part-time babysitter search is in full swing.

Also Mommy just had a change...of years alive. I celebrated my 35th birthday on Sunday.

Keith was training for his new job, so the kids and I headed to Linvilla for a day of fun. Both boys loved it- we did the train ride, check out the animals, play in the playground area, do the kid maze, went on a hayride and of course hit up Pumkinland.  They each got to pick a Pumpkin which may have been the highlight of the day, but all in all it was a great day for me to celebrate with my amazing boys who I love so much! And hopefully Daddy and I will go out and celebrate soon!

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