Friday, June 12, 2015

This journey is coming to an end

The Another week of big things happening here.

First is Aiden. He wrapped up his last week of kindergarten this week with a school and a class picnic, an end of year presentation, and the last day of school.

I think I was more emotional about him finishing  kindergarten then starting. It was just another realization that my first born is growing up. He had a great year and did so well! He absolutely loves school and made some great friends, but also had an amazing teacher too!

On Tuesday, they had an end of the year presentation for the parents, in which they sang songs about all they have learned and encountered this year. It was followed by a presentation about their experience the last 9 months.

Needless to say, this kid's journey of being small is ending, but he's on to bigger and better things!! Can't wait to see what first grade holds for him!

And JP, he's wrapping up the end of his first lengthening process. He is in his 2nd cast (this time Batman theme and big thanks to the staff of DuPont for delivering!!). He has this one for two more weeks and then we are done! Well with this part of our journey :)

JP has a removal cast right now. It's basically a hard cast  that they cut down the sides (as if they were taking it off) and added some straps. We can only take it off during bath, but it's going well and JP hasn't realize that this can come off besides bath, thank goodness!

He has done so well throughout this journey and has amazed me every step of the way, even during the hard times. He'll soon be back to life as "normal" as he knows it. He'll have an AFO again,  go back to PT only a few times a week, and orthopedic visits every few months. While we know another (minor) surgery isn't to far off, were going to enjoy our down time after the last 6 mos! As well as a leg 4 cm longer!!

We will also be preparing him for preschool!!  Can't believe he'll be going off to school in Sept!! Hope they're ready...

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