Monday, June 3, 2013

My Heart Goes to Sleep

This past Saturday Jonathan had his MRI on his ankle to help the doctor prepare for his upcoming surgery. First of all, we want to thank everyone for their prayers, good thoughts, and well wishes!

Due to JP's age he had to be sedated for his MRI. This is something that worried me for months. I had dreaded it and tried to prepare myself for it, but truly there is no way to prepare for you to hand your child over to be put to sleep.

We had an early morning appointment, which was great because Jonathan wasn't allowed to eat or drink after 11, so we basically ran out of the house. When we got there we didn't have to wait long to start the process. We put JP in a gown and they gave him nose drops to relax him/calm him. It was funny how he became "drunk". He was giggling at everything and it started to make this process a little easier believe it or not. They then started the IV and I was truly in all how well he did. He flinched and let out a cry, but that was it.

The last part was administering the meds to put him under. I was holding JP on the bed and the doctor warned me that he would fall asleep quickly and to make sure I had a good hold on him, but I really wasn't prepared how quickly it would go. JP insistently feel asleep, but it was heartbreaking as he looked "lifeless" and that's when I started to get choked up.

The Anesthesia Doctor and Nurse reassured us he was in good hands and to go get a bite to eat and tried to relax. It's so strange to hand your child over to someone you don't know and trust them, it's not like they were the doctor we have built a relationship with, but they were amazing. Someone once said- When you have a Child, it's like having you're heart walk outside your body and Saturday that is exactly how it felt.

In the end, Jonathan did well with the sedition, came out of it well, and the MRI didn't show anything unusual.

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