Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's all about the numbers...and steps

This past week in the Giosa household is always a "big" week from a numbers perspective at least.

On May 20th, our sweet little preschooler, Aiden, turned 4 1/2 years old. It's so hard to believe that he's that old, where has time gone? I feel like I can think to just yesterday when he was a little snuggly baby. He is now wrapping up his first year of preschool this Friday. I wish I could just slow things down. The older he gets- the more he remembers, the smarter he seems, and the older he looks.

Aiden recently completed his first year of soccer and he did really well. While most of it instructional, he knew all the "drills" and technique they learned and he did well during their scrimmages. He asked me when he can play again.

Today I received the sweetest note from his teachers saying what a joy he has been and how they'll miss him. Aiden will miss his teachers too, he loves school and is so sad it's ending...but as he reminds me only until September. I know one day this opinions will change :)

Our May 22nd, Keith and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary. While the day pretty much was like any other- work, taking care of the kids, keeping the house together, it was still amazing to celebrate 9 years of love, happiness, and being with my friend. We did get to "run away" overnight this past Friday. Our parents watched the boys and we got to enjoy some much needed together time in the Inner Harbor. We really enjoyed ourselves and ate some fabulous food. I'm pretty sure some people thought we were newlyweds and we kinda felt like we were.

Our Wedding Day- May 2004

9 years later still in love 2013

And on May 23rd our little crazy baby boy, Jonathan, turned 15 mos old. He amazes us each day with new words (we now call him polly parrot as he repeats EVERYTHING anymore) and this little and crazy personality. He definitely has his own opinion, but at times is so sweet. And in the biggest new of all, he gave us the best anniversary gift by starting to take steps on his own!! He's now up to 5-6 steps and he's doing it all the time. This weekend was so amazing to watch him "take off" and he seems so confident and happy with himself.

Lastly, we would like to thank ALL of your for following our blog and reading our story. We love to hear how everyone reads it and loves to see the boys grow up and feels they are getting to know our family. We have had a hard month or so and we know some of our family members are dealing with declining health and some close friends are having personal struggles too. This blog has been a great outlet and knowing we have so many people supporting us and loving our family is just amazing and we want to say THANK YOU!
This is Keith and I with our twins

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