Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A season of change to a new chapter

And so the Giosas have celebrated the unofficial end of summer and moved on to the newest chapter in our lives- "the baby free zone."

We hope everyone had a nice Labor Day weekend! After being on vacation the week before, our weekend was low key. We did have one last day of fun before we got back to the swing of things.

On Labor Day, we decided to go to Dutch Wonderland to celebrate the end to our amazing summer- one that was filled with a lot of laughs and a lot of fun. It was so hot, but the boys still had a blast.

With this season of change, it also brings a lot of change to our house as well. We are almost out of the baby stages of parenting. The last few weeks have been so bittersweet!
(and no we didn't get a dog, this is the kids with my sister's dog)

JP is now officially in a toddler bed. Since he did so well on vacation we felt it was time to change the crib at home. He's still doing amazing with it! He has decided to give up naps, but we are struggling through that and he does stay in his room for quiet time.

A week after we returned from vacation and put him in his toddler bed we made the decision it was time to give up the pacifier (aka binkie). I'm amazed how well he's doing! The first night was a bit rough- he woke up every couple hours asking for me, but he's never asked for the binkie and I can say we have are binkie free and have had success!

JP also got a new brace for his non FH leg. It's called a SMO and the purpose of it is to help him from walking on the inside of his foot, which is an over compensation due to his FH. It's been a bit of a struggle, more so then the AFOs have been, but  trying to push through it. 

All that is left is potty training and this kid is on his way to big boy life. So hard to believe he'll be going off to preschool next year! He had conquered so much in his young life and still nothing stands in his way!

And then there's the biggest change of this season- we now have a kindergartener!! 

The week before Labor Day, the school had a parent orientation night (where I spent most of the time tearing up) and a preview day for the kids. 

Aiden loved seeing his new school and meeting his teacher, but the biggest joy was the ice cream they gave out- lol!

And then this past Tuesday he was off! He was so excited to start school and meet new friends! I love his enthusiasm for learning and socializing and hope it never changes!

He did so well too! He walked right on the bus and never looked back!

It broke my heart to send him off to the real world, but it's a part of parenting- the first step of letting go. I'm so thankful that he always transitions well to things!

He also started real soccer on Tuesday too. He's on the Red Bulls teams and they practice Tuesday evenings and have games Saturdays, but I feel it is just organized chaos- lol.

Stay tunes to hear our about our life as parents to a kindergartner and soon to be potty training preschooler! 

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