Sunday, August 4, 2013

A day for Aiden

Today we took Aiden to Dutch Wonderland. The point of the day was to make this a day for Aiden. A day for him to have fun and do whatever he liked. We have taken him the past two summers and he really enjoyed it, but today was a day to let loose and make sure Aiden knows how important he is in this family. Aiden was very excited to be going to a place where he could "drive" cars and had a monorail.

The day went very well, he enjoyed almost every ride and had a big smile on his face. I was so happy that he enjoyed the day and was glad to see his smile because I wanted this day to be focused on him, and when we ask him tonight about his day, he said it was great. I would say success!

And I must note, even JP had fun....enjoyed everything, except the wait in line (which was for every ride) and the Merry Go Round....such an strange kid.

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