Tuesday, August 6, 2013

So overwhelmed it's time to get over yourself

So recently (as I have kinda of mentioned) I have been on an emotional roller coaster with the days leading up to JPs surgery. I have also been (back to) feeling sorry for myself...and our family- like "why us"/"why our kid".  Totally selfish right? I couldn't agree more, but I think when you have a child that isn't "normal", I think this is a recurring thought.

No parent wants their child to feel pain or hurt and you would do anything to stop that. So when you have a child who will suffer, struggle, & hurt, it's so hard to handle. Whether this child's "pain" is from not being able to communicate to you effectively or surgery or anything in between- no parent with a child with disability wants this and I'm sure struggles from time to time and feels sorry for them self.

Well I have a lot of "ah ha" moments, a lot of wake up moments, and a lot of "get over yourself" moments recently. Today has been a day of overwhelming joy. It started with going into work and having my amazing co-workers make meals for us and a care package for us so while handling JPs recovery we don't have to worry about much. It's was hard for me not to cry and I can't even begin to express to them how much we greatly appreciate it! It just amazes me and and everyone in the house has had a moment of happiness. I think I have the best co-workers in the world!

And then to top it all off...JP walked today. (Okay I know no big deal, he's been walking for a couple months), but he WALKED barefoot, without his AFO and lift.  To some this is exciting, but to us this is just the most amazing thing ever and a very PROUD moment! We went from parents that weren't sure if our kid would walk initially (we were a bit naive), to our kid could walk with an AFO/lift...to a little "spitfire" who can walk LOTS of steps barefoot.

So for me- today is overwhelming....overwhelming about how amazing kids with FH are...how amazing  people are and what they will do for you in hard times...and amazing how your support group is huge!

A friend of my said to me tonight that "certain people are "chosen" by a higher power to take on hardships for a reason. " I don't know if initially I would agree with her, but when I think about it now, I know a few people that have struggles of one kind or another and taking it all in stride and I believe they are chosen because of the amazing support network they have. I know that's our case.

I can't thank EVERYONE enough for all their love, positive thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. You guys are amazing!

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