Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Getting around on the other side

Well, we're now almost two weeks post surgery and things are starting to move in the right direction and look better.

The first week home was rough- I have equated it to having a newborn all over again. When JP cried, we had to figure out what was wrong. Was it pain? Was it just being uncomfortable in the cast? Was it just the stress of everything?

He didn't want to eat anything besides bananas, applesauce, or yogurt, but we felt we had to get more nutrition in him. He still doesn't have his full appetite back, but he's back to drinking milk and eating other food now.

When we came home from the hospital, we had to manage JPs medication and get his pain under control. I was wishing we could bring a nurse home with us to help; just like most new parents feel when they leave the hospital with their baby. He came home taking a Valium (a muscle relaxer to control his spasms) and a Lortab (a pain killer - codeine and tylenol) every 4 hours. By mid week, we spaced it out to every 6 hrs and by Saturday we had him weaned off both and were just giving him Tylenol.  He's now med free, with giving him tylenol as needed for pain (which I'm never sure if it's pain, tiredness, or moodiness)

The other adjustment was going back to the land of sleep deprivation. After having my sleep back for the last year this has been REALLY rough! We initially had to wake him up to give him the medication, but towards the end of last week and into this week he's now just waking up at all hours of the night and staying awake for 2 to 4 hours. He's fighting sleep or struggling to get comfortable; I just don't know. What we do believe is that it's not pain related. He tends to whine or cry and as soon as we come in to the room he is as happy as can be to see us and wants to talk or play. So we're still trying to jump over this hurdle and find ourselves praying each night that this be the night he sleeps through the night again.

Now that we're in the second week JP has become himself again. He's goofy, he's playing, and fighting with his big brother. I'm happy to have my baby back! He's seems to have adjusted to the cast well! JP is crawling - and fast - to get around. He's pulling himself up and trying to figure out how to walk.

Last Friday, JP had to endure another cast change. His cast was slipping (probably because the swelling had gone down in his leg) and we could no longer see his cute little toes. We had to get it corrected quickly because with his cast slipping it is pulling on the pins coming out of the bottom of his foot which actually pulls the pins keeping his "broken" tibia bone together to heal.  

It was a quick procedure, but a bit anxiety ridden for this Momma as well. He was sedated, but still aware of what was going on and he wasn't happy about it.  We were able to "assist" in the changing of his cast so we got to see his "new" leg! Again the vision was fleeting, but I remember being overjoyed to see his little foot right under his leg. Only one word could explain it ~~~AMAZING! Seeing how straight his leg is now was a little hard to envision with all the action going on in the room. I had to hold down his good leg so that they could get some quick X-rays and recast it. His leg still was pretty swollen too, but only 6 more weeks till I can stare at it everyday!

Many people recently have complimented and commented on this blog. I started this blog when Aiden was born to keep family and friends out of the area up to date, but over the last two years it has turned into my emotional outlet and therapy sessions, too. It has allowed me to go through all the emotions I need to have to handle and deal with JP's Fibular Hemamelia diagnosis and journey.

I'm happy that we are able to keep our amazing support network posted on how we're doing and that you all enjoy hearing not only about our struggles, our joys as well! (And a special thanks to my hubby for being the editor of the blog :)) We have been so overwhelmed with all the love, prayers, well wishes, and generosity that we have experienced in the months leading up to this important event in JPs life! And from the bottom of our hearts - Thank you and we love you!

  I also must note that I'm so proud of my big boy, Aiden! He has done so well dealing with us needing to give JP some extra love and attention! He has also has given him some extra love at times.

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